Democracy and Eudaimonia

OCTOBER 2024 — AUGUST 2025

In the exhibition “Democracy and Eudaimonia”, philosophy becomes an immersive experience. Each exhibit is a challenge, an opportunity for reflection and dialogue, a moment of choice and responsibility.

Here you are a member of a digital state. To return to your world, you must make an important decision for yourself and for others.

For centuries we have been asking “How can we live well?”. Could a constitution be part of the answer to this question? The legislators of the ancient Greek world had similar concerns.

It was a time that gave rise to new questions, a time that gave birth to philosophical thought. It was a time that focused on human beings and their attitudes towards themselves and others. In your wanderings at AiTHERION you will not be alone. Your guide and assistant to the exhibition is a digital entity. She created this digital world of ideas and wants your help to fulfill her unique desire. She desires to understand how humans make decisions, how a value or an idea leads us to certain actions. Will you help her?


A visit to AiTHERION is a group philosophical experience.
Αll exhibits are available in Greek and English. However, you should be aware that the experience includes, in addition to the individual exhibits, two group activities. In these activities, visitors actively participate and discuss to answer a philosophical problem, with the help of a facilitator.

The experience is available for Greek-speaking groups every Friday at 7pm.
Book your ticket here.

For English-speaking groups, the experience is available on request. You can book by calling 210 6503478 or online at

• In the exhibition space, low lighting levels are combined with the use of interactive digital screens with varying brightness.
• In the first part of the exhibition, audiovisual material is projected in an enclosed space with intense lighting changes.

Discover the creators HERE.